Learn About Us

Covenant Chorale, an integral partner of Talmidim Studies, is committed to a remarkable mission. Our primary goal is to curate and lead choir groups on a captivating journey that traverses the enchanting expanse of Israel. Together, we raise our voices in churches and various illustrious venues, delivering a profound message of hope and inspiration through the transcendent power of song. But that's just the beginning. When you join us, you're not just part of a choir; you become a traveler on the same paths that Jesus once walked. You'll sit in the synagogues where he imparted wisdom and even sail the serene waters of the Galilee. It's an opportunity to witness the Bible come alive as you immerse yourself in its historical context. This experience is not only transformative for the choir but also a blessing to the people we touch through our exceptional four-part harmonies. Don't miss this extraordinary chance to make a lasting impact and create cherished memories while exploring the rich tapestry of Israel's biblical history. Join us today, and let your journey begin.

Group Leaders

a man blowing a shofar
Joe Mullet
Group Leader/Teacher

Meet Joe Mullet, our group leader and educator for this extraordinary journey. Hailing from Sugarcreek, Ohio, Joe's transformative encounter with the Bible and Israel began in 2008, under the guidance of Ray Vander Laan. This experience reshaped not only his worldview but also the way he approached the Bible. Delving into the original context of scripture has breathed new life into Joe's understanding, rendering the Bible vivid and dynamic like never before.

Fueled by this profound experience, Joe is driven by a deep passion to share this experience with others. He regularly leads study trips to Israel, spanning from the southern Negev to the heights of the Golan, offering participants a comprehensive exploration of the Land of the Bible. The faith lessons he imparts are poised to challenge and enrich your life, leaving an indelible mark on your spiritual journey. Walking this sacred land will forever alter your perception of scripture, transforming it from a two-dimensional narrative to a vibrant, technicolor tapestry, bursting with depth and meaning.

a man and a woman standing next to a brick wall
Brandon Mullet
Conductor/Music Teacher

Meet Brandon Mullet, the music conductor, originally hailing from Goshen, Indiana, and currently residing in Guys Mills, Pennsylvania. Brandon's profound passion for music is palpable in any discourse on the subject. He possesses a discerning awareness of the diverse musical landscape and the potential impact, particularly on the younger generation when exposed to less salutary forms.

Brandon's musical odyssey has culminated in a steadfast commitment to the pedagogy and orchestration of music, exemplified by his attainment of a Bachelor of Science degree in Choral Music from Grace College. Since 1997, Brandon and his spouse, Marie, have been integral members of Faith Builders Educational Programs. Commencing as a school principal, Brandon subsequently transitioned into a full-time teaching role in May of 2003.

Brandon is adeptly versed in the multifaceted domain of music, encompassing both pedagogy and the role of a conductor. His stewardship of the musical dimension of this Israel tour promises an enriching experience of the highest caliber.

a woman standing in a stream with her arms outstretchedan old olive tree in the middle of a fielda group of three women standing next to each othera walkway with pink flowers and a church in the background